Artist Statement

I was ordering Shawarma when I spotted him and I had to run out of the restaurant to catch it.

I was on the 5th floor of the opposite building talking on the phone I and didn’t even have my camera handy. 10 mins after my first sight of him he was still there and the composition looked perfect.
Something appealing watching individuals buried in the work.
That dignity of labour.
I hope he’s doing it for something he truly loves.

My friend had just picked me from the train station and despite the hunger I couldn’t miss a sunset pic on my first night in the city.
Quite fascinating how people casually move around life daily creating art for others in ways they are not conscious of.

I was in the middle of a portrait shoot, I liked what mother nature was telling me and I went for it.
Multitudes tell multitudes of stories. This stretch reminds me of a neighbourhood around République Metro station in Paris. It reminds me of my first night out in Paris.

I had conceived the idea of this photograph 2 days earlier but I had not planned for a sunset pic. Model showed up late and it ended up being a good kind of late
Envisioned the shot in less than a minute.
But guess how many tries it took?
The money shot has a way of testing your patience and resilience.

My legs were aching badly from 4 hours of wandering on foot and I only noticed them because she spoke Spanish
Try going out on a date with a French girl and see how far Google Translate can take you.

It was a composition that was tough to walk away from
A few good things happen at night
Thoughts tend to be clearer and the colours are definitely better.

I had returned home after what I had considered to be a disappointing photo day and I thought to take one last shot
You often reach out seeking the unknown in distant places
Only for you to come home to see it already lined up.

I was having drinks with 2 other friends and my intuition kept telling me to keep an eye on him and my camera ready.
It reminded me of a love I once dreamt of
A friendship. A trust. A bond.
True, tried and tested over the years
A love I often question its existence
One I only hope still exists
30 years of me choosing you everyday

It took this shot with that guy in mind but my interpretation later evolved
Do you see me?
I was 23 the first time I ever got on a train.
A reality that many may not comprehend

I spotted this smallish classic car and I had to tell a story around it. Thankfully the cyclist came at the perfect time.
History on these streets

I had imagined and wished I was in front of the Seine river in Paris and I was getting frustrated from trying to take long exposure shot without having a tripod on me.
Who swiped first?
I had considered chatting them up but I remembered the couple I had talked to a few days earlier who were on their first Bumble date.